KS Ingenieure ZT GmbH

The company was founded by Klaus Stanek and Franz Alexander Kollitsch in 1991 as a consulting engineering firm. In 1995 the company became the Kollitsch & Stanek ZT GmbH. In 2001 DI Matthäus Groh joined as further associate of the firm which was then later in 2004 renamed as KS Ingenieure ZT GmbH. The cofounder DI Kollitsch left the team in 2019.

Currently we employ about 70 team members from almost 20 different nations. We use our long-time experience and know-how combined with our technical services in building construction to create holistic solutions, leading from the project idea up to putting the building into service.

Today the company is led by the managing directors DI Klaus Stanek and DI Matthäus Groh as well as by managers  DI Ingo Bormann,  DI Malgorzata Mackowiak und DI David Mundil

KS Management

Klaus Stanek

Head Of:
Local Site Supervision
Tendering & Contracting
Project Management

Curriculum Vitae

Academic Education:
TU Vienna, Civil Engineering

Professional Background:
1985 – 1990
Engineering Office Pauser, Vienna

since 1991
KS Ingenieure ZT GmbH, Vienna

Matthäus Groh

Head Of:
Structural Engineering
Inspection Engineering

Curriculum Vitae

Academic Education:
TU Vienna, Civil Engineering

Professional Background:
1991 – 1993
Institute for Geology at TU Vienna

1994 – 1995
Technimont-Pörner Engineering Company, Sachsen

since 1995
KS Ingenieure ZT GmbH, Vienna

David Mundil

Head Of:
Structural Engineering
Building Physics

Curriculum Vitae

Academic Education:
TU Vienna, Civil Engineering

Professional Background:
1991 – 1993
Institute for Geology at TU Vienna

1994 – 1995
Technimont-Pörner Engineering Company, Sachsen

since 1995
KS Ingenieure ZT GmbH, Vienna

Malgorzata Mackowiak

Head Of:
Structural Engineering​

Curriculum Vitae

Academic Education:
​Wroclaw University of Technology, Civil Engineering

Professional Background:

AM-Project, Wroclaw


Waterman Moylan Consulting Engineers, Dublin


O‘Connor Sutton Cronin, Dublin,


Self-employed ZT office Malgorzata Mazij, Wroclaw


Strabag Central Technology, Vienna


since 2018
KS Ingenieure ZT GmbH, Vienna

Civil engineering license Poland (Uprawnienia budowlane, PIIB)

Civil engineer license in Ireland (Chartered Engineer, IEI)

Ingo Bormann

Head Of:
Structural Engineering
Coordination of Construction

Curriculum Vitae

Academic Education:
TU Hannover, Civil Engineering

Professional Background:
1997 – 2000
Engineering Office Dr. Klemens Pelle, Dortmund

2000 – 2004
Engineering Office Dr. Hartmann und Partner, Herford

since 2004
KS Ingenieure ZT GmbH, Vienna

© 2021 KS Ingenieure ZT GmbH