Schnirchgasse 9 – 9A
A – 1030 Vienna
ARE Development und Soravia
Construction Time:
Henke Schreieck Architekten ZT GmbH
KS Assignment:
Structural design
Inspection engineer
Coordination of construction work
Net Area:
77.000 m²
100 m
Best Tall Residential or Hotel Building 2022 Award of Excellence
An extraordinary building form requires a unique structural design – we are pleased to have been part of this great project and are very proud to have been awarded for our services in structural design and as inspection engineer! Together with Gmeiner-Haferl und Partner ZT GmbH, special and innovative detailed technical solutions were developed and masterfully implemented by our project partner Strabag AG. The CTBUH Award honors exceptional contributions to the advancement of high-rise buildings and the urban environment, with a focus on sustainability. Award by CTBUH